Tuesday, 3 November 2009

HE opportunities after access courses for Adults

I attended the recent higher education opportunities day for adults who had completed their access courses in Somerset this week. Excellent day with 10 providers of HE attending, Universities such as Bath, Bristol and Plymouth etc plus those FE colleges offering HE, such as Trowbridge College which offers a BSc in Social Work. A good buzz about the day and it was interesting to hear people’s journeys which had taken them to this place. Spoke with prospective HE students from 18 years of age to… well a bit older (!) and it did remind me of the true value of the work we all do. Got a nice writeup in the local paper which might encourage more adults to explore this as an option. http://www.chardandilminsternews.co.uk/news/4709099.Student_boost_from_university_open_day

It was good to see so many Higher Education Institutions coming into the community. I do realise many do this but unless you see it yourself it is easy to forget what happens. After the exciting side of choosing possible careers that some HE options might lead to, the funding and more practicaly aspects of how it might be managed alongside the other circumstances of the students was discussed. Hopefully the advice they received from the various attendees would have helped them to answer these questions.

Perhaps this type of event could be made into more of an awareness raising event for local communities wherever it takes place. A smilar event at Strode College earlier this year had this focus and very good it was. http://www.strode-college.ac.uk/events/he_open_afternoon/8

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