Thursday, 31 December 2009
Parent Motivators - A Parents Guide for your Graduate living at home
Thursday, 10 December 2009
What makes a “Good Job” ?
Characteristic of a Good Job (% identified as necessary)
Being valued/appreciated (getting credit for the work you do) 16%
Interesting/Fulfilling role/personally rewarding/Job satisfaction 16%
Autonomy/decision making/responsibility/Working conditions/environment (including location) 14%
Team working/staff morale 13%
Good management/management support/Training/staff development 11%
Enjoyable work 11%
Challenging/Variety 9%
Success/doing a good job/ achievement 8%
Meeting the needs of the customer/client 7%
Flexible (inc. working hours) 6%
Promotion prospects/advancement/Participate/contribution to decision making 5%
Skills/ability/equipment/tools to do the job/Other fringe benefits (eg healthcare) 3%
Clear objectives/goals/expectations/Good communication 2%
Another section lists 7 Key things that need to be in place to make up a “good job”
• Employment security;
• Work that is not characterised by monotony and repetition;
• Autonomy and control and task discretion;
• A balance between the efforts workers make and the rewards that they receive;
• Whether the workers have the skills they need to cope with periods of intense pressure;
• Workplace fairness;
• Strong workplace relationships (social capital).
Apart from the employment security aspect, (which is difficult to evaluate in many areas), how many of us consider the other aspects when looking at possible careers ? Something to ask when you are talking to anyone about their career and reflecting on whether it would be the right one for you. Of course in terms of job security the best investment is gaining skills, qualifications and knowledge which are in demand. This can involve lifelong learning and will enable you to change careers and explore new areas as you go though life. Adult & Graduate Guidance is key to this success and lifelong learning is already a part of many career areas though continuous professional development (CPD). Indeed some careers demand CPD as proof you can continue to do your job.
Some of these factors may change based on your age and interests, although getting and keeping a good job is always a challenge, it can be immensely rewarding. Of course it is not always possible to get exactly the job or career we want straight away, but as the saying goes “Until you find the work you enjoy, enjoy the work you find”. It will help you learn more about what you do want to do and help to pay the bills whilst you are searching
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
What does a Graduate earn ?
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
8 sources of finance for University study.
1. Loan for Maintenance
2. Maintenance Grant
3. Bursary
4. Scholarship
5. Job (both before you begin study and part-time whilst studying)
6. Family (often known as the Bank of Mum and Dad but can include other people)
7. Savings/Borrowings
8. Sponsorship
Even if you are aware of some of these resources it is always work checking how much you can get and the costs of paying any loan back. In recent research people commonly underestimate the maximum value of loan and overestimate future repayments. Bursarys and Scholarships are another area where many people are unaware of what is available. To find out what you could get go to where you can find out what each University could offer you. However Sponsorships can be difficult to obtain and some companies now prefer to offer them to students after their first year of Uni study. They also tend to be in certain areas, such as the Military, or in occupation fields such as Engineering. Packages on offer can be excellent and not just focused on money, (management training and career exploration can also be part of the package), but do check out the committment involved and ensure you are happy with what will be required as your side of the deal. Check out for more info on Sponsorships
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Don’t Panic – about money for University !
Monday, 9 November 2009
Receiving Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and wondering about funding for University ?
Thursday, 5 November 2009
College Week in Somerset - 9th to 15th November
Colleges Week is led by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills in partnership with the Association of Colleges to celebrate the opportunities colleges create for individuals, businesses and Britain. In Somerset it heralds the launch of a new website which bring together all of FE Colleges in Somerset into one easily accessed resource. Check out to find out more
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
A brief summary of Higher Ambitions - Report on future Higher Education in UK
A Brief Summary
Britain still has too few people who have the ability actually going to University. More able but educationally disadvantaged pupils should have recognized fair access routes into University.
UK participation rate in HE has gone from 7th in the OECD to 15th since 1998. 75% of UK 2020 workforce have already left school. A percentage of the 6 million UK workers who have Level 3 qualifications but no HE experience should be engaged in Higher Education to raise skill levels.
Increase diversity of HE students through range of access methods to study. More part-time study; vocationally-based foundation degrees; work-based study and more study whilst living at home must be made available.
Clearer routes from apprenticeships to advanced apprenticeships and new technician qualifications into foundation degrees and other vocational higher education programmes should be made.
Growth in HE cannot be met by more 3 year full-time courses and we cannot continue growth of public funding of Universities as we have done.
To ensure that all those who have the ability to benefit can get access to higher education there are 4 Key Changes to achieve:-
1) We will improve the advice and encouragement that students receive earlier in their education with respect to setting their sights on university.
2) New university admissions procedures to assess the aptitude and potential to succeed of those from poor backgrounds.
3) Consider action that could be taken to widen access to highly selective universities for those from under privileged backgrounds.
4) Expand new types of higher education programmes that widen opportunities for flexible study for young people and adults and reflect the reality of the modern working lives.
The Government is committed to the enhancement of locally accessible higher education, through innovative partnerships between universities and further education colleges, and by support for new local higher education centres under the New University Challenge initiative. This could be good news for the Somerset University partnership!
To support universities in making an even bigger contribution to economic recovery and future growth there are 4 Key Changes to achieve:-
5) Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to devise new funding incentives to develop HE programmes that deliver the higher level skills needed.
6) Universities, employers, HEFCE and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) to join and identify and tackle specific areas where university supply is not meeting demand for key skills. All universities expected to describe how they enhance students’ employability (This information should help students choose courses that offer the greatest returns in terms of graduate opportunity.)
7) Business expected to be engaged, active partners with universities, not passive customers.
8) A review into the future of postgraduate provision to be concluded.
Need to strengthen the research capacity of our universities, and its translation into economic impact via 3 Key Proposals:
9) Tighter fiscal constraints and increased competition from other countries will require a greater focus on world-class research and greater recognition of the potential benefits of research concentration in key areas.
10) Establishing strong new incentives to increase the economic and social impact of research.
11) Support stronger long term relationships between business and universities.
To promote excellent teaching for all students in HE, with universities competing to attract students on the basis of the excellent service they provide via 2 Key Changes in this area:
12) All universities should publish a standard set of information setting out what students can expect in terms of the nature and quality of their programme. (Via unistats as mentioned here:
13) support universities’ work to strengthen the role of the external examiner
To further strengthen the role of universities at the heart of our communities and shared intellectual life, and as one of the key ways in which we engage with the wider world via 3 Proposals:-
14) Build on the contribution that universities have made, in partnership with Regional Development Agencies and local business, to regional economic development.
15) Champion the international standing of our universities (Currently there are 340,000 foreign students in the UK from 239 different countries; the UK is second only to the USA as a destination for such students.)
16) our universities to be world leaders in the growing market in transnational education based on e-learning. (UK higher education to remain a world leader in online learning, and grow its market share by 2015 via university-private sector partnerships.)
To ensure that our universities continue to maintain excellence, even under tighter public financial constraints:-
We need to nurture an HE system, responsive to the demands of both undergraduate and postgraduate training, embedded and integrated in a wider education and skills framework and capable of equipping all students with the capabilities and confidence to prosper.
Growth based so heavily on state funding cannot continue, that is why the development of a diverse set of funding streams is important if the quality of higher education is to be maintained and improved. Universities will need to seek out other sources of funding, from overseas sources as well as domestic.
Our world class universities are unique national assets, and must be recognised as such. Along with this recognition come reciprocal responsibilities. We need to treat these world class institutions for what they are, and the institutions themselves need to recognise their own obligations to UK undergraduates, in terms of excellent teaching and fair access on merit and potential, regardless of family background.
In future the burden of financing higher education’s diversity of excellence will need to be more equitably shared between employers, the taxpayer, and individuals.
17) A review of the fees structure in English universities will be launched, as promised at the time of the establishment of variable fees for full time undergraduate students in 2004. The focus of the review will be the objectives of sustaining genuinely world-class institutions and fair access to universities, while ensuring value for money for the taxpayer.
A strong university system is essential to a country’s economic success and the vibrancy and depth of its intellectual and cultural life. Universities embody both our values and our aspirations. They play a huge role in our communities through the provision of cultural and sporting amenities and in passing on and preserving a set of shared societal values, including tolerance, freedom of expression and civic engagement. They shape how we engage with the rest of Europe and the wider world.
Link to Full report below:
Link to Summary report below:
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
HE opportunities after access courses for Adults
It was good to see so many Higher Education Institutions coming into the community. I do realise many do this but unless you see it yourself it is easy to forget what happens. After the exciting side of choosing possible careers that some HE options might lead to, the funding and more practicaly aspects of how it might be managed alongside the other circumstances of the students was discussed. Hopefully the advice they received from the various attendees would have helped them to answer these questions.
Perhaps this type of event could be made into more of an awareness raising event for local communities wherever it takes place. A smilar event at Strode College earlier this year had this focus and very good it was.
Monday, 2 November 2009
British Sausage Week goes with a bang !
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Somerset University - Coming soon to this county ?
Friday, 30 October 2009
University College Yeovil (UCY) Research conference
“Slavery in Somerset” and “Can Sustainability Survive the Recession?”. More info can be found below but the next conference will be in 2010 if you want to learn more about this work
Thursday, 22 October 2009
New Sport Degree off to a Flying Start
Thursday, 15 October 2009
A First for Somerset College Fashion Graduates
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Hollywood Star Visits Bridgwater College
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
‘Quietest’ building in the world opens today
In addition if you are interested in visiting the quietest building in the world you are in luck. At the weekend it is the Bristol Open Doors event when you could take a look for yourself. Why not take a trip !
Still looking for a place, consider a BSc in Rehabilitation Engineering with no Fees !
Rehabilitation Engineering is rewarding and interesting career in which technologists have the opportunity to apply their skills in an area of real social value. The subject will appeal to students who have a broad interest in engineering subjects combined with an interest in healthcare science. It may also be of interest to students who have been unsuccessful in obtaining a place in other health disciplines such as physiotherapy. The course combines practical and theoretical experience, including workplace training placements. Successful graduates will have completed all the necessary education and training to work directly at registered practitioner level in the NHS and related organisations. Employment prospects are good as place numbers are limited and are based on workforce planning requirements. More info available at this website An interesting summary of this work is available at this American site
Friday, 4 September 2009
Interesting in working in the NHS, but want to do a non medical degree ?
Nursing to be all Graduate entry profession from September 2011 (at the earliest !)
If you are worried about the cost of this study, it is worth remembering that in terms of additional lifetime earnings, healthcare graduates enjoy a 21-44% premium if they are women and a 15-27% premium if they are men. A full report investigating evidence of the impact of healthcare and similar student financial support systems on a range of impact factors including value for money and equality can be found here This report also contains a descriptive summary of the funding systems for healthcare students in Germany, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Friday, 28 August 2009
A website to help research your study subject
If you have every wanted to find out about a subject in more depth you probably use the internet, but it can be difficult to find useful, reliable info about your chosen area even if you use Google. Well now there is a website which has gathered the best of the web for you, arranged over the main subject fields covering degree areas from Aeronautical Engineering to Womens Studies. Have a look at this and see if it helps you with your career choices
There is even an Internet Detective course you can take to help you sort out the gold from the dross Everything is free and quality controlled by a national team of lecturers and librarians from UK universities. An excellent resource I think
Friday, 21 August 2009
Adventures in Media land - Clearing has begun
Monday, 17 August 2009
Students face a "perilous way of life"...
In fairness there is help available to guide students in this area, both beforehand in various publications and information but also during the induction week and at the freshers fair support for managing your finances is offered. It might sound boring but it is worth checking on the basics and make sure your budgeting skills and financial ability is equal to the task. Don't forget our very own publication Your Way Forward has an excellent Budgeting exercise on page 20 ! (If you haven't seen it yet contact your nearest Connexions office for a copy)
Monday, 10 August 2009
What other subjects areas are Strategically important ?
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Repayment holiday for Student Loans is now only 2 years, not 5
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
10,000 extra university places on offer
Monday, 13 July 2009
Goodbye exams – Hello continuous e-assessment
Monday, 6 July 2009
Drop out students get help to finish their degree at home (Part 2)
Monday, 29 June 2009
Bath University Higher Education Convention
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Drop-out students get help to finish their degrees at home
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Studying at University if you are under 18
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Which is the best University to study History in ?
Monday, 8 June 2009
Why study Higher Education in Somerset?
Bridgwater College used the initials to summarise the 5 major reasons why you should consider HE in Somerset and in particular at their college.
1. Save money from lower fees and accommodation costs
2. More personal attention from experienced tutors teaching smaller groups
3. Achieve a qualification from one of our five university partners
4. Receive more work experience, careers advice and personal support
5. Take a course full or part-time to suit you
Now whilst every FE college in Somerset cannot offer five university partners, the other points are worth considering. The link has more info
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
International computer giant and Somerset College to address skills gap in industry.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Facts about Higher Education in the South West
With shades of the Steve Wright show, some interesting factoids I came across the other day make interesting reading. Did you know that we have the following in the South West: 13 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), comprising 8 Universities, and 5 HE Colleges.
With 33 Further Education colleges (FECs) teaching Higher Education courses.
We have a total population of 155,660 students, of whom 2,405 are registered at FECs, so you will not be alone if you study here (!).
In Somerset every FEC offers some Higher Education study, offering a total of 196 different courses. Somerset College having over 1,000 students taking HE courses for example. The largest HEI is the University of Plymouth with just under 30,000 students, and the smallest was Dartington College of Arts with 645 students. (Although since Dartington College of Arts merged with University College Falmouth in April last year this number will eventually be merged with Falmouth).
A full list of all HE courses in Somerset institutions can be found at this weblink: Of course those taken via distance learning, such as the Open University courses, are in addition to this list. If you have any questions about courses and study please email me or contact your nearest Connexions Somerset centre. Details can be found at
Friday, 22 May 2009
Somerset County Council: We attract more graduates than anyone else
Last year over 200 applications were submitted, with 21 successful candidates. It is competitive, but then everything worthwhile is. Check out what the councils Chief Executive, Alan Jones, called “one of the most innovative and creative local government graduate schemes in the whole of the UK'.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Explore Higher Education – see the world!
Apart from being useful to know in case these questions ever come up in a quiz they can help you be aware of the wider world of HE which you might want to consider. Some degrees in the UK can include time abroad as part of your study. Some uni’s may have links with other institutions abroad which you could benefit from. If you like league tables, of which there are many, the QS World University Ranking lists even more.
Normally this would primarily be of interest to those who like long lists but a helpful fellow in Germany has plotted the location of the Top 100 universities in both the QS World University Rankings and the Shanghai Jiao Tong exercise on a friendly, interactive Google map to be found here. . All the other university groupings mentioned above can also be viewed on this website.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Welcome to my Blog
Although is will be about HE in Somerset, it will have a wide ranging and varied approach. It is for everyone in our area, you might be at school, college or university, working in a business or perhaps a parent/carer, employer or educationalist – I hope you’ll find something interesting on here.
When this was planned some people have asked, why do we need a blog about HE in Somerset…what is the deal about HE anyway? So I’ll begin with a bit of background. For several years now the need to have higher level skills/degrees to compete in the world economy has been identified by various government reports and private bodies, such as the CBI. Those jobs that will be around in 2020 will be requiring higher skills, and those jobs with lower skill demands will be fewer in number. Skills that were once seen as technical and only used by a few, such as those within Information Communications Technology (ICT) are now mainstream. By 2020 more that 40% of jobs could be filled by graduates, currently this stands at about 30%.
In Somerset we are a net exporter of people with higher level skills, we do not have an actual University in Somerset, (yet!), and so a lot of young people go out of county for their education, and many do not return. However although degrees are available in Somerset from the local FE colleges and, of course, the Open University, will this be enough for the future we face? Although there are 13 Universities in the South West region, increasingly more local options might be appealing. The Open University now takes increasing numbers of 18 year olds, but how many young people consider that as an option? Should they?
You can also gain a degree whilst working, combining the experience, (and money!), of a job whilst getting a qualifications. Local companies are offering this, such as Flybe at Exeter, Tesco and McDonalds Restaurants. I’ve also attended a ceremony at Yeovilton of graduates of a Royal Navy initiative which provided a foundation degree as part of their study package see the BBC news coverage here:
If you think this sounds a bit like an apprenticeship, yet it’s on an HE in Somerset blog, then you are quite right. Words like Higher Level Skills, Foundation degrees, and NVQ 4 and 5 are all part of the drive to upskill our workforce and make Somerset a positive economic centre in our region. As I go through I’ll be looking in such areas in more depth, but if you have any questions about Higher Education in Somerset why not email me? If it’s an interesting question it might even be answered (anonymously if you wish) on this blog in a section I’ll entitle “Question of the Week”!